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The Send Norway on June 25th


Hey friends,

wow, The Send Norway last Saturday is over, and it was more than wild! Here's a little update:

With almost 10,000 people from over 40 nations and around 40k online The Send Norway was the largest Christian event in Norway since Billy Graham in 1977.

You could feel faith and boldness rising I'm Norwegians and Europeans for a fresh move of God on the continent.

In the five days before The Send Steiger Ministries arranged an evangelism week - Hope For Oslo - with 800 people from over 35 countries doing evangelism every day and 1100 people gathering for worship in the evenings. They shared the gospel with over 3,500 people on the streets of Oslo and experienced healing and salvation!

The Send gathered all kinds of denominations and generations like never before in the church of Norway. It was so beautiful to see leaders from all nations coming together and getting equipped for what's happening in Europe!

We are seeing a new movement of transformation in people's lives and especially in this generation. Thousands saying yes to go all in and follow God's call for their lives wherever and whenever. Being sent to the nations, their neighborhoods, and schools.

It was such an honor being part of this! Meeting so many amazing people, getting encouraged by the move of God, and this generation crying out to God for revival and saying yes. Being part of the inner core of The Send admin and capturing powerful moments for Media. The Send changed me forever and I will never forget this special day! I am so excited to see what's going to happen in the next years in Europe and I'm praying that in everything we do we give God all the glory and honor he deserves.

In the next years, there's going to be the next The Send in Europe. I'm so encouraged to join that again and maybe you too!

The whole day got live streamed on Youtube and I highly recommend you to watch the whole thing or even parts of it. (esp. the last third is powerful)

Aaaand I also have a plan for what's next after a short summer break :)

During my outreach and DTS God placed staffing on my heart. To take another year and be part of the next DTS this fall. Serving, supporting them in their process, and being there for the students. Sharing my experiences with them. To grow more in being a leader (especially on outreach) and investing in this generation.

I will keep doing media for The Send as it's an ongoing movement!

My leaders have also asked me to help with the media for the F&F DTS, which I'm very excited about!

God is so faithful and opening many doors and opportunities for me to grow and see puzzle pieces coming together, which I'm beyond grateful for!

I'm so excited for this next chapter of my life and can't wait to see all that God has for me!

So pray with me for a good start, many students to come to the DTS, provision and protection!

I would love to hear from you if you have any questions about that or anything else!



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